What is E-mail? A Beginner's Guide

Narendra Thakor

What is E-mail? A Beginner's Guide 

Chances are, if you're reading this, you already know what e-mail is. But for those of you who don't, let's take a few minutes to talk about what e-mail is and why it's so important. 

What is E-mail | Work By SEO

What Exactly Is Email? 

At its core, email is simply a way to send messages electronically from one person to another. It was created in the early 1970s by Ray Tomlinson and has since become one of the most commonly used forms of communication in both professional and personal life. Unlike traditional mail that requires physical delivery, email allows users to send messages instantaneously—all without ever leaving their desk chair! 

The Benefits Of Email 

Email has many advantages over other forms of communication like phone calls or face-to-face conversations. For starters, it's much faster than sending physical mail or waiting for someone to answer the phone. Additionally, email can be sent from anywhere in the world with an internet connection—so even if you're traveling abroad or have an unreliable phone signal at home, you can still stay connected with your friends and family. And best of all, emails can be stored indefinitely on servers so they can be retrieved whenever needed (this comes in especially handy when trying to find old correspondence!) 

Finally, many businesses rely heavily on email for their day-to-day operations due to its convenience and cost savings compared to other forms of communication like snail mail or faxing documents back and forth. This makes it an invaluable tool for those looking to stay connected with colleagues or clients no matter where they may be located geographically. 


All in all, email is an incredibly useful tool that has revolutionized how we communicate with each other both professionally and personally. Whether you're sending a message across town or around the world, email allows us to stay connected quickly and easily—all without ever having to leave our desks! So next time someone asks “What exactly is email?” you’ll know exactly how to explain it!


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