HTML elements are the building blocks of webpages. They are essential to understanding how using HTML can create content on a webpage. In this guide, we'll cover the different types of HTML elements that control text and images, hyperlinks, forms and other types of content.
Guide to All the HTML Elements You Need
Text Elements
Text elements are the most common HTML elements and include tags for paragraphs, headings, and text formatting including bold and italic. Using these tags you can control the structure of your content, making sure it's easily readable for your visitors. Other text tags allow you to add formatting like lists, tables and more advanced styling options to your content.
Heading Tags
Headings help structure your content and organize it into sections. Using headings tags h1-h6, you can create headings that range in size and hierarchy. Heading tags should always be used in order such as starting with an h1 tag, followed by an h2 tag and so on, to provide a structured format to your content. It’s important to use header tags throughout your content properly, not only for readability but also to aid SEO.
Hyperlinks, sometimes referred to as “links” are used in HTML to provide a connection betwen two pieces of information. A hyperlink takes the form of text or an image that when clicked on takes the user to a destination page – which could be another website, another part of the same webpage or document, or an anchor link within the same web page. Hyperlinks are created using anchor tags with href attributes pointing to the target destination.
Web Forms
Web forms are an essential part of the web, allowing us to capture input and data into an HTML document. Using <form> tags in HTML, users can create interactive forms with text fields, text areas, identifying information such as name and email address, drop down menus for different options, submit buttons for submitting the form to a destination page and much more. Forms are great for taking user inputs, creating polls or surveys, performing calculations and more.
The <img> element is used to include images within a web page. The src attribute defines the source file for the displayed image, while the alt attribute allows you to add alternative text to be displayed if the image cannot be loaded. Additionally, you can also specify a width and height value, which will determine how large (or small) your image is displayed on the page.
This guide offers an in-depth look at all the HTML elements you need to use when creating a website. From tags to attributes and functions, the guide introduces all the key concepts in creating functional and efficient web pages. With this information, you will be well equipped to develop your own websites or webpages that meet your requirements and deliver exceptional results.
What elements are required for HTML?
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the language used to create web pages. To make a complete HTML document, there are certain core elements that must be included: an <html> tag at the top of the file, and within it two main sub-elements, a <head> and a <body>. The <head> element contains meta-information about the page and the document type, while the <body> element holds all of the visible content that will appear on your page. Additional elements may include titles, hyperlinks, formatting tags, images, audio/video files, tables and more.
What are the 4 main elements of an HTML document?
An HTML document is composed of four main elements: the <html> tag, the <head> tag, the <title> tag and the <body> tag. The <html> tag indicates that this is an HTML document, while the <head> tag contains information about the document such as its title and meta tags. Inside the <head> tag is the <title> tag, which holds the title of your webpage, while inside of the <body> you include all of your page’s content.
How many HTML elements are there?
There are over 140 HTML elements available for use, some of which are deprecated or experimental. HTML elements specify the type of content being marked up and are used to create a structure for documents, such as web pages.
Why do we need HTML elements?
HTML elements are necessary building blocks for webpages coding - they allow us to define structure, add content and control styling. By combining HTML tags together we can create basic outlines, headers and paragraphs to create the foundation of a webpage. Additionally, they can provide additional information to search engines and other software programs, ensuring that users have an optimal viewing experience across all types of digital devices.
What is HTML and its elements?
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and is the building block of most websites. It consists of a series of elements that control the structure and content of a web page, including text, links, images, videos, and other media. HTML elements are defined by tags that are surrounded by angle brackets (e.g. <img>). When HTML elements are combined with CSS styling instructions and JavaScript code, a website's design and interactive features can come to life.
What are basic elements?
The basic elements are the building blocks from which all matter is composed. The most common elements include hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. These five elements make up over 98% of the mass of the human body as well as most other living organisms. In total, there are over 118 known elements that form everything in our universe from stars to planets to living animals.