Getting Started with HTML: An Introduction to Basic Concepts

Narendra Thakor

Getting Started with HTML: An Introduction to Basic Concepts


For anyone looking to make beautiful and functional websites, HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is an essential skill. Understanding the basics of HTML can help you create interactive websites that look and feel great. In this guide, we'll introduce you to all the major concepts in HTML so you can get started on your own projects.

What is HTML? 

HTML is a markup language used for creating websites and web applications. It stands for HyperText Markup Language, and it provides a way to structure content by adding text elements, tags, and other components to make them visible to viewers in a web browser. An essential part of any web development project, HTML is the foundation of any website or application that you develop.

The Anatomy of an HTML Tag 

HTML tags consist of an opening and a closing tag, each containing one or more attributes. The opening tag begins with a left angle bracket (<) followed by the tag name, attributes, and then a right angle bracket (>). The closing tag is composed of the same left angle bracket used in the opening tag followed by a forward slash (/) and the tag name. Closing tags are always used to end elements that have opened in the document.

Tips for Writing HTML Code 

Writing valid HTML code is essential if you want your webpages to be error-free and properly rendered in the browser. To write valid HTML code, make sure that elements are nested properly, all opening tags have corresponding closing tags, attributes are included in quotes, and the entire document includes a doctype declaration at the top. Following these simple tips can help you create well-structured, clean HTML pages.

    1.Start With An Outline

Before you start writing HTML code, it’s a good idea to create an outline of your website or web page. This will help you visualize how you want the layout and structure of your website to look after the coding is complete. Having a clear and detailed plan of action can prevent frustration down the line by avoiding confusion or technical errors from lack of planning. 

    2. Get Familiar With Tags

Every element on a webpage needs to be wrapped in tags for HTML code to work properly. Understanding what tags should go together and when each tag is applicable is essential for successful website building in HTML. A few common tags are <head>, <title>, <body>, <p> and many more including dozens of rarely used ones as well.

3. Load An HTML Editor

The easiest way to edit your HTML document is by using an editor that offers tools such as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, spell checking and more. Popular examples include Sublime Text, Atom, Adobe Dreamweaver CC, Bluefish editor and Text Wrangler, but there are tons of others available out there over the internet that fulfill specific needs with lots of extra features as well as options to choose from.  

4. Make It SEO Friendly

Writing SEO friendly code isn’t difficult but it can improve user experience manifold if done right. Separate each part onto its own line and use proper indentation wherever possible to make sure that everything looks neat and organized on a web page viewable through search engine results pages (SERPs). Generally speaking, search engines prefer straightforward syntax without any frills in order for them to easily identify elements on a page quickly which allows better indexing across multiple platforms simultaneously. 

5. Validate Your Code 

validating or "Debugging" ensures that all source code written complies with official W3C recommendations regarding site structure & usability standards – this means making sure all links still work along with proper titles & meta descriptions so people know exactly what they’re being promised before landing on another page full force without expecting it firstly hand simply due too maybe even typos inside the html itself! Ultimately though validating should reduce loading times these days given how stretched out resources can actually become over time despite their multi layered optimisation strategies integrated into their digital design & implementations (to say nothing less).  

6 Take Time To Refresh Your Knowledge 

HTML is constantly evolving—just like any other language—and new features often appear or existing features are updated occasionally . Get familiar with newer CSS properties like Flexbox or Grid layouts as many websites use them for better performance/looks alongside possible prepackaged responsive solutions also available lately too! Also don't forget about front end libraries JS frameworks either (e.g AngularJS) although if these become overwhelming know when just relying on some HTML 5 basics should typically suffice above practically any unseen considerations where those potential alternative solutions would otherwise come into play instead--so no need worry unduly then if unsure essentially what amount effort actually required than this point beyond confusion alone probably stands true now believed wisely at least in entirety even unconsciously so then! 

7 Test Your Site On Different Browsers & Platforms

Once you have finished writing your HTML code, it's important not to forget testing across different browsers and platforms before making any changes live on the world wide web The goal here should always remain keeping users engaged without any obvious deficiencies stemming from alternative circumstances than originally thought likely originally (e.g differently calibrated screens influencing UI)</ p>< /li>. Fortunately though nowadays provided continuing compatibility along further enhanced automation features involving Cross Browser Testing Implementations cleverly via automated cross browser solutions ensure this process absolutely seamless anytime conveniently possible also now too without fail... Hooray!!!

How to Use Relative, Absolute and Root Paths in Your Links 

When using URLs to link to other documents and webpages, you’ll want to specify which type of path you want to use. Relative paths, absolute paths and root paths will give your links different properties and characteristics. Relative paths are the simplest, as they assume all documents are in the same directory and no URL is specified. Absolute paths require a full URL including the domain name while root paths begin with a forward slash followed by the directory that all pages belong in.

Structuring a Document With Divs and Spans

HTML uses the 'div' and 'span' tags to create sections in documents. The 'div' tag is used to define larger sections of a page, such as header, navigation, sidebar and content areas. The 'span' tag is used to designate smaller areas within the larger sections, such as individual pieces of text or an image. Both tags provide you with the ability to assign attributes and classes to each of these elements for styling purposes.

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